
Social Media and Web Analysis For Every Industry

Know what everyone on the internet is saying about you, your brand, and your competition…

What We Do

Convée is a real-time web/social media sentiment analysis reporting platform. Yep, that’s a mouthful, but we’re not done- We also provide intelligence services for essentially any region in the world. 

Crazy? No, It’s Convee

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we analyze and summarize data from millions of websites we can deliver breaking news to networks before major networks even know an event has occurred

Large Corporations

Monitoring the internet for rising volume of conversation for any brand will alert them of negative press before mainstream media picks it up allowing them time to get ahead of the conversation

Investment Analysis

With M2m, we conduct financial research on companies you have positions held with or are contemplating. This includes analysis of their competitors and the overall industry.


Politicians, PAC’s, candidates can monitor the internet in geo-targeted areas for negative conversations and sentiment about themselves, their competition, and the issues that matter most to their district, city, zip code, or state


Shh.. Contact us

Our Purpose

Convee’s purpose is similar to our name: to convey to YOU insight to what your customers are saying about your competition, your product, company, leadership, industry, and most important- YOU.

Convee scrapes millions of surface & dark websites for conversations and data about YOU or whatever you want to know.

Our purpose is you

Our Purpose

Convée’s purpose is in our name: to convey insight to you about what your customers are saying about your competition, product, company, leadership, industry, and most importantly- YOU.

Convée scrapes millions of surface & dark websites for conversations and data about YOU or whatever you want to know.

Our purpose is you


Contact us here

Intelligence delivered to you